Day 5: Creative Spirituality for Busy Times {7 Days of Soul Rest}

Here are some ideas for connecting with God throughout your day, most of which do not require more than 5 or 10 minutes at a time.

My kids have magical powers.  I've tested it.  Every morning, I tiptoe downstairs while they are sleeping (unless they've already woken us up at 5 am, of course) and the second that I sit down and take my first sip of coffee, THEY KNOW. 

They are also currently on a sleep strike from napping.  So soul rest for me today took the form of strapping my two kids in the car at 3 pm after over an hour of not sleeping and driving up into the mountains so they could nap.  It took them about 5 minutes until they were out.  

God knew I needed that time alone in the car.  In the quiet, he reminded me of some things.

When traveling to another country, good practice is to alter your attitude when you encounter strange aspects of that culture and think, This isn't better or worse than my culture, it's just different.

I'm finding that in encountering new seasons of life, it is helpful to take the same attitude:

This isn't better or worse, just different.

But instead of accepting that this season of life is just different, I have been fighting it.  I often think I just need to hold on until more ideal circumstances for Bible Study and prayer return.  But just as it is unrealistic to wish for snow in the middle of summer or tulips in the fall, it is immature for me to wish for an hour-long quiet time in the morning in this season where my kids wake up at 5:30 am.  Instead of fighting it like a toddler, I need to find out how I can grow not in spite of, but in the midst of this season.

"In acceptance lieth peace," Amy Carmichael writes. 

Today, I feel like I surrendered my toddler-like attitude about my life and accepted that God wants to meet me where I am--in slivers of time, tired attempts to read His Word, mundane moments and scrambled prayers for patience and strength. 

I love how my friend with 9 children said she is "giving herself freedom to enjoy this season of walking with Christ." 

Am I enjoying my season?  Are you enjoying yours?  Are you giving yourself freedom?

We are not meant to "get through" the seasons God brings us through, we are meant to thrive and grow closer to Jesus in EACH one.

Fortunately I have some pretty awesome friends that contributed some ways to meet God during their season of busy motherhood.  These ideas are not intended to add burdens or "shoulds," but to provide some new ideas for running this spiritual sprint when we have been used to running marathons. 

Here are some ideas for connecting with God throughout your busy day. Most do not require more than 5 or 10 minutes at a time. 

Bible reading
Here are some ideas for connecting with God throughout your day, most of which do not require more than 5 or 10 minutes at a time.



Read Books

Spiritual Disciplines While Nursing
Ok, to be honest, I spent my fair share of time nursing while watching TV or going on Facebook on my phone, but here are a few ideas that I did occasionally that I wish I had done more often in the almost three years total I have spent nursing a baby:

When Your Kids Stop Napping
Have them start a "quiet time" in their rooms.  Check out this article.


Write It Out

Take Five
During some time when your kids are sleeping or being watched by someone else, set a timer and sit quietly with your eyes closed for five minutes.  Try to breathe evenly and if you think of anything at all, maybe mediate on one verse, phrase or name of God until the timer goes off.

Ordinary Moments
We talked about this yesterday, but here are some practical ways to be intentional about these:

I hope that you are able to use some of these ideas to grow in your relationship with the Lord during this busy season of life.  If you are new to the series, be sure to start from the beginning and read the previous posts listed below.

Which of these would you like to implement in your daily life?

What do you think God is trying to teach you in the season of life that you are in?

Check out all the other posts in this series:

Introduction to the Series

       Day 1: Three Secrets of Soul Rest

       Day 2: Moms Are Not Monks

       Day 3: Permission for Self Care

       Day 4: Ordinary Moments

       Day 5: Creative Spirituality for Busy Times

       Day 6: Planning a Personal Retreat

       Day 7: Sabbath Rhythms

How to Make Time for a Consistent Prayer Life

Spiritual Circle Journal, described in this article, Morning Quiet Time for Busy Moms

Here are some ideas for connecting with God throughout your busy day. Most do not require more than 5 or 10 minutes at a time.

Linking up with Mommy Moments and Momma Moments Mondays and Velvet Ashes

The Life Of Faith

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